Faculty Spotlight: Unlearning Classroom Space 🗓

Monday November 6, 12:00-1:00pm (in person)

Unlearning Classroom Space: Swati Piparsania’s (School of Design) Fellows project examines, through surveys and deep reading of texts, what are good environments of learning and how changing aspects can promote creativity. Join as Swati shares initial findings and talks about what else is in store for her 2023 Fellows’ project.

Swati Piparsania is a designer and educator whose work incorporates making objects and devising movement. She is interested in understanding built environments shape behaviors esp. as a form of surveillance and oppression. She utilizes elements of sculpture, dance and theater to research and develop a series of sculptural propositions that critique a body’s inherent design and its choreography in space. This inquiry through quotidian objects reinvents them, making anew ordinary social experience. As a result the audience transcends the role of a viewer and assumes the role of a curious performer. 

Swati (b. Bhilai, India) has worked as a furniture designer at two leading modular interior firms in India: Homelane and Livspace. She has presented her work at various venues including Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, PACT Zollverein in Essen, Kenyon College in Ohio, and School of Form in Poland. 

She received her MFA in 3D Design from Cranbrook Academy of Art and BFA in Furniture and Spatial Design from Srishti School of Art, Design, and Technology. She currently teaches Industrial design as an Assistant Professor at Pratt Institute, NY.

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