After Affirmative Action Interactive Conversation Part II: Identifying Whiteness in Higher Education 🗓

November 13, 12:30-1:30pm (online)

In light of the upheaval caused by the recent Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action in college admissions, the CTL and Office of DEI are co-hosting a two-part Interactive Conversation on race and higher education. In this second part, we’ll build on concepts of race neutrality, discussed in our first event in the series, and how this obscures whiteness. 

We will consider/unpack our concerns or anxieties about whiteness as a habit that shapes not only bodies but also the spaces that bodies inhabit (Ahmed, 2011, p. 156). 

In this Interactive Conversation, participants will be asked to reflect on how students at Pratt are oriented to whiteness– who is seated at the table; what materials are within reach; and what is hidden in the background. Our discussion will conclude with the value of critique itself. 

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